华中科技大学二级教授,博导;《新建筑》杂志主编;建筑与 城市规划学院副院长;受聘为全国高校建筑学专业教育评估委 委员;教育部高校建筑类教指委建筑学分委会委员; 中国建筑 学会建筑文化学委会副主任;中国民族建筑研究会民居建筑学 术委员会副主任;中国建筑学会地下空间学术委员会副理事 长;教育部高等教育教学专家等。主持国家自科基金项目 3 项、省部级及其他课题 10 余项;国家一流课程 1 项;出版著作 9 部,论文 120 余篇。获国家级教学成果二等奖、省级教学成 果一等奖;中国建筑学会第六届建筑教育奖;省社科优秀成果 一等奖;省优秀规划设计一等奖。 >
He is a second-level professor, doctoral supervisor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology,editor-in-chief of New Architecture and deputy dean of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning.In addition, he has been employed as a member of the National College Architecture Education Evaluation Committee, a member of the Architecture Sub-committee of the College Architecture Education Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Education, a deputy director of the Architectural Culture Committee of the Architectural Society of China, a deputy director of the Residential Architecture Academic Committee of the China Ethnic Architecture Research Society, a deputy director of the Underground Space Academic Committee of the Architectural Society of China, and a higher education teaching expert of the Ministry of Education.He presided over 3 National Natural Science Foundation projects, more than 10 provincial and ministerial level and other topics and 1 national first-class course. He has published 9 books and more than 120 papers. He won the second prize of national teaching achievement , the first prize of provincial teaching achievement, the sixth Architectural Education Award of Architectural Society of China, the first prize of Provincial Social Science Outstanding Achievement and the first prize of Provincial Excellent Planning Design. >
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